Second Episode - Aeolos and the Winds
(as told by Odysseus in Book X)

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To the first draft

Co mpanions
Aeolos (Lord of the winds)

This is a revision of the first draft of the text.

Text added to the original is in blue.
Text to be er ased from the original is in grey.

is typing on the computerscreen
on the scr een appears
(1) Then we came to the island of Aeolia, where dwelt
(2) Aeolos. [...]
(3) On a floating island. [...]
(5) And there are twelve children of his l iving in his halls;
(6)[...] Numberless dishes lie ready for them;
(13) A whole month he befriended me and asked in detail
(17) But when I inquired about the way and asked him
(18) to send us, [...]
(19) He gave me the skin of a nine-year-old ox he had flayed,
(20) And in it he had bound the courses of the blustering winds.
(25) Then he set a breeze of the West Wind blowing for me
(26) That would carry th e ship and the men onward. He was not
(27) Destined to complete it. We were lost by our own foolishness.

(29) On the tenth [day] the soil of our fatherland already appeared
(30) And we were close enough to see men tending the fire.
(31) Then sweet sleep came upon me in my weariness

(43) Now Aeolos has given him theses things as a favor
(44) In friendship. Come, let us see quickly what they are,
(45) How much there is of gold and silver in the skin.
(46) So they said, and evil advice won my companions over.
(47) They undid the s kin, and the winds all rushed out.

(64) How have you come, Odysseus?

Odys seus
(68) My evil companions ruined me; and besides them, a wretched
(69) Sleep. But give relief, friends. You have the power.

(73) It is not lawful for me to help or to send on his course
(74) Any man who is despised by the blessed gods.
(75) Go, since you came to this place despised by the gods.

On the screen appears
(77) Then we sailed further on, grieving in ou r hearts.
(80) Six days did we sail alike by night and by day.
(81) And on the seventh we came to Lamosí sheer citadel
(100) [...] I sent my companions to go and find out
(101) Who these were of the me n who eat bread on the earth
(105) And they happened on a girl getting water before the city.
(106) The goodly daughter of Lestrygonian Antiphates.
(112) When they entered the glorious hall, they found his wife
(115) Her husband, who p lanned a woeful destruction for the men
(116) Snatching one companion at once, he made a meal of him.
(117) The other two rushed in flight and came to the ships.
(118) the mighty
(119) Lestrygonians ran out from all d irections,
(120) Thousands of them, like giants and not like men.
(121) From the cliffs they threw boulders the size of a man's load.
(124) Spearing the men like fish, they bore off their gruesome meal

(131) To my joy my own ship esca ped
(132) Onto the ocean. But the others were lost there all together.
(133) From there we sailed further on, grieving in our hearts,
(134) Glad to escape death, having lost our dear companions.
(135) We came to the island of Ai aia. There did dwell
(136) Fair-braided Circe

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