
First Episode - Cyclops Polyphemus
(as told by Odysseus in Book IX)

To the Revised Version

Odysseus (sailing along with 12 ships)

is typing on the computerscreen
(16) I shall tell you my name first,
(19) I am Odysseus, son of Laertes,
(37) let me tell you of the much-troubled return
(38) That Zeus put upon me when I went away from Troy.
(39) The wind bearing me from Ilion brought me near the Cicones,
(40) To Ismaros
(105) Then we sailed further to the land of the Cyclopes
(140) And some god guided us
(141) Through the murky night.
(154) The nymphs, daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus, roused up
(155) Mountain goats, so that my companions might nave dinner.

(161) So then for the whole day till the setting of the sun
(162) We sat dining on the endless meat and sweet wine,
(171) […] called an assembly and spoke out to them all:
(173) "I will go myself with my ship and companions;
(174) To inquire about these men, whoever they may be,"

On the screen appears
(195) 12 of my best companions
(216 )Speedily we came to the cave and did not find him
(217) Within
(218)[...] my companions besought me with speeches
(219) To go back again, when we had picked some cheeses and then
(220) When we had hastily driven the kids and lambs out of the pens
(221) On board the swift ship, to set sail upon the salt water.
(222) But I did not listen - that would have been far better -
(230) But when he appeared, he was not to be joyful to my companions.


Cyclops enters

On the screen appears
(244) He sat down and milked the sheep and the bleating goats,
(245) All in due order, and set each young one to his mother;

(355) Tell me your name

On the screen appears
(246) And at once when he had curdled half the white milk,
(247) He skimmed it off and put it up in wicker baskets,
(248) And half of it he stood in pails so he would have it
(249) To drink when he reached for it, to have it for supper.

(355) Tell me your name

On the screen appears
(251) And when he had hurried at attending to all his tasks,
(251)He kindled a fire
{... see 308 ff., 341 ff.]

(252) Strangers, who are you?

(261) We are Achaians coming from Troy, driven off course
(261) By all kinds of winds over the great gulf of the sea;
(261) Wanting to go homeward, we came by other passages,
(261) By another way.
(266) And so we have arrived here and come up to your knees
(267) To see if you may provide some guest gift ...
(269) We are your suppliants.
(270) Zeus is the protector of suppliants and guest friends,

(273) You are a fool, stranger, or have come from afar
(275) Cyclopes have no regard for aegis-bearing Zeus.

On the screen appears
(287) He leaped up, stretched his hands to my companions,
(288) Snatched up two together, and dashed them like whelps to the earth.
(289) Their brains flowed out onto the ground and wet the earth.

On the screen appears
(307) And when the early-born, rosy-fingered dawn appeared,
(308) He kindled a fire and milked his glorious flocks,
(309) All in due order, and set each young one to his mother;
(310) And when he had hurried at tending to all his tasks
(311)He again snatched two men together and made them his meal


(341) And he sat down and milked the sheep and the bleating goats,
(342) All in due order, and set each young one to his mother.
(343) And when he had hurried attending to all his tasks
(344)He again snatched two men together and made them his meal

(246) Here, Cyclops, drink wine, now you have eaten human flesh,

(355) Kindly grant me something more and tell me your name

(364) Cyclops, do you ask me my famous name? Well, I
(365) Will tell you. Then give me the guest gift you promised.
(366) Noman is my own name. Noman do they call me,

(369) Noman I shall eat last among his companions
(370) And the others first. This will be my guest gift to you.


(399) [lets] out a great roar for the Cyclopes

(408) Friends, Noman is murdering me by craft, not by force.

Other Cyclops
(410) If no one is compelling you when you are alone,
(411) There is no way to escape a sickness from great Zeus.

(473) And when […he] was far off as a man’s shout would carry

(502) Cyclops, if someone among mortal men should inquire
(503) Of you about the unseemly blindness in your eye,
(504) Say that Odysseus, sacker of cities, blinded it.

Sail On