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Computers On Stage

The local stage's network consists of the following computers:

  • The task of the Stage Control Computer is to gather data from sensors, transform it into Lighting Data, transfer this data to the other stages and control the Lighting System (Light Console/Desk).
    For this purpose, an industry standard PC running Linux is used:

    Intel Pentium, 100++ MHz
    32 MB Ram
    DMX-512 Interface Card
    Network Interface Card
    CD Rom Drive, Keyboard, Mouse, ...

  • The Sound Control Computer processes the sound received from the local and remote stages and creates the choros sound based on the events created by the cyber audience.

  • The Web Server provides data of the performance to the cyber audience. This server should, if possible, be located directly at the ISP ("Server Housing").
    For this server, a Unix machine is used. This could either be an Intel PC running Linux or, depending on sponsors, any other Unix machine.

  • The Display Servers control the Video Beamers which are used to project images to the screens. In the current design, 4 screens are planned, requiring 4 computers. At the moment it is undecided which computers and operating system(s) will be used for this purpose. The fact is that most Video Beamers support resolutions of 640*480 or 800*600 only.

  • The Surf Stations, located in the foyer of the theatre, are computers running standard internet client software. They give the audience the opportunity to share their experience and impressions with the audience of the other stages by the means of IRC, Chat, cuseeme, ...

    Since this client software is available for a wide variety of computers and operating systems, the choice of computers is open, i.e. Apple, Unix/Xwindows, Windows/Intel etc.

    These surf stations are optional; at least 4 Surf Stations should be provided.

copyright © 1997 by oudeis
1150 Vienna, Austria, EUROPE
Holochergasse 34-34a