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Among Immortals
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Go there Interaction between the Stages
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Go there Living Lights
Go there The Journeys of Odysseus
Go there The Venues
Go there The Costumes

The Arts of oudeis

From here you can explore the new artistical concept of oudeis - a World Wide Odyssey. It includes explanations and clarifications concerning the main aspects of the play itself, the stages on which it will be performed and the text.

When making your way from here, please note that the links on the left hand side of the pages will always send you to another page of the new concept, whereas the links woven into the text on the right hand side might lead you somewhere else - to the old concept or some external page. Don´t get lost - it might take you 10 years to come back...

copyright © 1997 by oudeis
1150 Vienna, Austria, EUROPE
Holochergasse 34-34a